Creation of the “LOCE” (Constitutional Organic Law of Education)
The LOCE is a law that was born on March 10, 1990 under the command of
Augusto Pinochet, current president of Chile in that year. This was the door to get the free market in education like a business, because It does not allow monitor the quality of teaching. The “LOCE” took 10 years to be approved because there were different parties that were against the law, but the differences were resolved by an ideology not very clear one day earlier that Augusto Pinochet left his post.
Parliamentarians and important people of the state have tried to amend the law, at least in higher education, but everything has been nothing because the party on the right has always opposed. So, this has led some problems.
The LOCE is a law that was born on March 10, 1990 under the command of
Augusto Pinochet, current president of Chile in that year. This was the door to get the free market in education like a business, because It does not allow monitor the quality of teaching. The “LOCE” took 10 years to be approved because there were different parties that were against the law, but the differences were resolved by an ideology not very clear one day earlier that Augusto Pinochet left his post.
Parliamentarians and important people of the state have tried to amend the law, at least in higher education, but everything has been nothing because the party on the right has always opposed. So, this has led some problems.
Problems of this Education
- Quality of Education: “differences among schools”
Private colleges: These types of schools have the best education because students are paying for that. On the other hand, students are chosen to be part of the institution because they must have good marks and good behavior. Also, the infrastructure is better than other schools.
Colleges subsidized: Here, the state provides money to the institution to share costs to be sustained in conjunction with the students, but nobody cares to see that this money is used effectively in what they need. The director is not obliged to surrender what is done with that money, so there are families that have become millionaires with this.
Municipal schools: Here, the municipality of every estate is responsible to support institutions. The students do not have the best education and they are not chosen for enter in these schools.
In conclusion, if you want to have a good education you must have money and be a good student and if you do not you are lost.
- Curriculum
This is other problem that has to do with subjects because all the schools have the same names about subjects, but the contents of these are different. For example, some schools pass the contents minimum mandatory while other schools give to students extra contents inside the school year. Obviously, this derives in some differences among students to give the PSU test. - Teachers poorly motivated and updated
This is one of the major problems in education because most people think that teachers, in this country, are few motivated and not updated on the new contents. This happens in many schools where teachers do not have vocation to teach students and they do not like that they are doing.
Finally, we as future teachers have to change the way to educate. We are responsible that students learn more and better contents inside the school. We have to study constantly to be updated and answer, in a good way, to the needs of students. We must love what we do because we are preparing people for the future.