What is a Tsunami?
The term tsunami comes from the Japanese words, and its meaning are harbour and waves together. Tsunami are common from the Japanes history; in this country one hundred and ninety five events have been recorded. This events are recognized like series of waves pushed them upwards. Also, earthquakes(mass movements below water), volcanic eruptions, landslides, meteorite impacts could generate this types of naturals disasters. A tsunami pass unnoticed at sea, forming only a passing "hump" in the ocean. They have been referred as tidal waves and the Pacific Ocean is the most affected zone in the world because it is located in the fire's belt.
What is its cause?
the generation of a tsunami is when the layers of the land are abruptly and vertically displace under the water, earthquakes are effective in creating tsunami, too. These are formed after the earthquakes and normally they are as the displaced of water mass moves from the bottom of the sea. Also, this phenomena could be caused by explosive volcanic action and landslide. Besides,the last one could generate a "megatsunami" that might have ocean-wide impacts.
What are its consequences?
Scientifics say that sixty five years ago a meteorite fell inside of the ocean and it formed a tsunami that destroyed the world. Nowadays, some tsunami have destroyed the coast of some places in the countries.
Here, in Chile, in 1960 a tsunami was produced in Valdivia's city. The number of death people was about three thousand. The sea get gathered some minutes and, then, it went out devasting houses, animals and many human beings.
Possible warnings and preventions
Tsunami can not be prevented, but there are many systems being developed for reducing the damade from tsunami. In some parts of the world, wich are prone to Pacific Ocean tsunami, there are warning signs that advise people where to run if a tsunami is forming. Some scientifics are studying to animals because they are able to have a presentiment of a tsunami before us, the human beings. On the other hand, Japanese people have built "tsunami walls" of up to 4,5m high in front of populated coastal areas.